metalFX® is a new design and printing technology, a worldwide revolution in metallic color printing. With metalFX®, printers can provide customers with an unlimited number of metallic colors, all using just five inks - the common CMYK series and the metalFX® silver base ink.
metalFX® instructions
With metalFX®, a printer can create thousands of metallic colors and effects using only a five-color press. By printing CMYK inks precisely on top of the metalFX® silver base ink, you can create virtually endless measurable, repeatable metallic colors.
The metalFX® license includes color cards with 600 unique metallic hue, user instructions and software compatible with all design platforms. Designers can use a palette to embed specific colors on a computer, and presses convert any four-color image into a metallic one. HoloFXTM and LiteFXTM create visual wonders that make image/text flicker or change color in different angles of light.
Breaking the metal color tradition
metalFX® can be used in almost any printing mode and has been implemented on mainstream printing machines. metalFX® also offers Print Devizor, which allows metalFX® colors to be rendered on a computer via a simple animation program.
metalFX® silver base ink provides clear hue and enhanced adhesion. Each metalFX® user must pass a print test to apply to an international standard.
The metalFX® system can be used for precise color control. Since metallic pigments are random in the refraction of light, traditional metallic colors are impossible to measure. With metalFX®, the metallic ink is constant and the CMYK value is measurable, meaning that a globally reliable color can be obtained.
Perfect printing
The latest technology developments in metalFX® and the new Silvercoat® metal-based inks will not affect the sheen and effect of metals by covering the metal. In particular, the new gold base ink broadens the spectral range of metalFX®.
metalFX® hopes to promote the color of metals in printing, making metal colors an accepted choice and developing into the mainstream.
Add flash to your design
With one print you can cover the entire spectral range of metallic colors, and metalFX® offers designers tremendous creative potential. Just adding a dot printing process based on the ordinary CMYK printing process, metalFX® provides an unlimited number of metallic colors and effects, making previously impossible printing effects a reality.
Flashing effect
metalFX® also brings technical solutions to the difficulties of printing metallic colors in the past. Previously, metallic color printing would have a lot of problems with poor stability. Because metalFX® can fully measure and control, it can easily achieve the specification of ensuring consistency. The new Silvercoat® silver base ink also solves the problem of reduced metallic luster after recoating. Using this silver ink, the effect of flickering is increased after recoating - a perfect solution for packaging and other forms of printing.
In addition, since metalFX® requires the use of low-density metal inks, the same ink can be used to print colors such as gold, silver, and magenta. Therefore no ink will be wasted, showing a unique environmental advantage.
All of this means that metalFX® provides customers with a unique communication channel with their new customers. Customers can make profits by providing low-cost, innovative and innovative printing. Whether or not you have a five-color press (due to the new single silver printing), every printer, designer, and industry specifier can gain a clear competitive advantage from metalFX®.