KFC packs a new combination of mobile power and food packaging

With the continuous improvement of people’s requirements for material life, people’s preference for personalized items increases in the process of consumption. Recently, KFC has played a trick on food packaging. A food box named "WattABox" was introduced.

KFC packs a new combination of mobile power and food packaging

After careful observation, you will find a mobile phone charging jack and a data cable on the box. Yes, this is a 6100 mAh mobile power supply! It comes with a power switch, which also provides Lightning and USB interface, supports iOS and Android devices, with it, people can enjoy the food while charging the phone. After eating fried chicken fries, you can also remove the mobile power and take it home.

"At the moment, everyone spends a lot of time on smart phones. The lack of power on mobile phones is like a nightmare. We launched this product to help people solve this problem." KFC India's chief marketing officer accepted the media Said during the interview.

Currently, the series is priced at Rs 150 (approximately RMB 14.6), but this is a limited-item product and will not be promoted globally. It is currently only available in Delhi and Mumbai, India.

Buy a new five-in-one package, and you can charge the phone

Right now, India has a total of 220 million smart phone users and it is becoming the second largest smartphone market in the world. A study in July 2015 showed that Indians spend an average of 169 minutes per day on their smartphones. It seems that providing them with chargers is a powerful marketing tool.

This is not the first time KFC’s parent company, Yum!, has done such marketing. In the Indian market, they are facing a lot of pressure - the quarterly earnings report as of March 31st shows that Pizza Hut and KFC's turnover in the Indian market has fallen by 6% and 1% respectively. In the face of bad market performance, they are trying to re-engage people back into the restaurant through the charger.

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